Our Blog

Spacing Out

June 15th, 2023

One of the most common reasons for getting braces is because there’s just not enough room for all your teeth to fit next to each other evenly. The result is overlapping and crooked teeth. What’s the first step in creating the space you need? Well, that depends on just how much room you need to…
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What Did You Do on Your Summer Vacation?

June 7th, 2023

The best part of summer vacation is time. Time to hang with friends, time to travel, time to get a summer job, time to catch your breath after a busy school year. And if Dr. Vaughn Johnson and our team have recommended braces, summer is also a great time to start orthodontic treatment! Time for…
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No Wooden Teeth, Please! Why Oral Health is So Important

May 31st, 2023

Your teeth are precious. Once your permanent teeth come in, they need to last you a lifetime. Extensive tooth decay can lead to dental caries and the need for fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures. While these fixes can go a long way toward maintaining your quality of life, they cannot compare to your natural teeth.…
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Talking Over Your Underbite

May 31st, 2023

You’ve been told that you have a malocclusion called an “underbite.” Let’s look at just what this diagnosis means, and what it means for you. Just what is an “underbite”? A malocclusion is another way of saying that you have a problem with your bite, which is the way your jaws and teeth fit together…
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